Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Time to start blogging here again!

Tonight I decided not to go to sleep. I know, it sounds odd, but I just didn't feel like sleeping. I don't know why, I haven't had any caffeine since around 8:30 or so, and even if I had I know that I could sleep like a baby...if I wanted to:)

I think tonight I just wanted to rest. After striving for my goals and pushing to fulfill every task that I set before myself, I just needed a break. Yes, I am about to embark on a 5+ week vacation, which one could say is a break, but I know myself enough to know that sometimes I need a different type of rest.

Sometimes just being alone is amazing. Every once in a while I just need to take some time to be by myself, and think about things they way that I want to, or do things that I want to. It's nice to not have to worry about saying the wrong thing, or acting strange if I feel like it. It's nice to just sit down and think, and spend time with God.

Tonight I just found this blog back again. I think that since I will hopefully have more time on my hands now(I quit my job and I am now a full time photographer!) that I will start sharing more on here.

Looking back at some of the last fews posts on this site, I found myself thinking back to nearly two years ago. Two years ago I found myself in the same situation - unemployment, but this time around it is very very different. I feel like I have the tools and the knowledge to provide for myself, and I am excited to jump off the edge and try!

It also struck me how much God has taken care of me, and how much he has taught me lately. In these past 365 days there has been a LOT of growth, and I doubt that trend will change. I think that now I am a much more of a whole person who knows what he wants and how to get it, instead of someone who only deals with things as they happen to come along.

In 2 hours and 13 minutes I will be leaving Calgary for a 5 week vacation to the US, Europe, and then back to the US. I can't wait to see my nieces, my sisters, my parents, and my friends! I can't wait to meet new people, and see new things. I will miss the friends that have become my family here in Calgary, but I know they will be here when I return:)

I also can't wait to experience God and feel His love in new ways!

Adios for now,


Friday, October 02, 2009

I am on the train home right now. Life has been really busy, and I can't wait for the busyness to stop. I just want to be able to sleep, play xbox, and have a social life again!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's been a while...

Since I have posted on this blog! Running 2 blogs is quite a task, I must say! If you haven't heard yet, I launched a new blog for my business, you can check it out at I think it's pretty stellar.

My last post was about my last day at work for Canon. So far I haven't found a new job, but I have been keeping myself busy. In the past month I have been...right now I can't even think of what I have been doing! I have done a bit of travelling, I went back to the island this past week and say my whole family (except Luke) and this cute little girl...

The last time I saw my niece, Clare, was christmas time, and she was only 3 months old. She has changed a lot! She now makes noises and smiles, is a LOT more squirmy, but still just as cute. My family is coming in July, and I can't wait. We are going to go to the stampede, go swimming at the lake (assuming summer will come by then!) and also celebrate my Dad's 65th birthday!

Speaking of fathers, I seem to be following in his footsteps lately. Ever since I can remember my Dad has LOVED working in the garden, growing veggies and lately more flowers (probably because I am not there to eat all the goodies)! Today I planted my first garden, all by myself!

A few weeks ago my Dad mentioned to me that you can start seeds in the oven, with just the oven light on for heat! So I did! I planted corn, peas, lettuce, carrots, sunflowers, lupins, and watermelon! I have also wanted to grow watermelon, and I have yet to be successful. Hopefully Calgary can do the trick. Anyways, they were in there for a while before sprouting, and I have been raising them as my tender little plant babies ever since. Well today the forecast was finally nice enough so plant, so I did. I had no idea when the last time our garden was used though, so I went to Rona and picked up some more nutritious soil. I added 4 bags of organic miracle grow soil, and 1 bag of "Moo Poo" or steer manure. Back home we also got a truck load of it from an uncle or cousin's farm, but I can't do that here so I had to buy the stuff. Strange, purchasing poo...

Here is a picture of my small plot, and also some hanging baskets I set up, and another pot.

The first pot has 2 types of tomatoes in it, and some basil. The good smelling pot. The other 2 have strawberries!

And the garden:

I'm not sure what happenend to my plants, but when I left for the island they were all doing really well, and when I came back the majority of them had fallen over. I blame my roommates. Hopefully they recover though, and if they don't, I planted some seeds in between the seedlings.

Anyways, I should really get to bed! Peace be with you!

Friday, April 03, 2009

A new start

Hi everyone

So I am finally done at Canon, tuesday was my last day there. It was kind of fun packing everything up and cleaning, but also bittersweet at the end. My boss took my out for lunch, and we went to Nando's (a portuegese place) for chicken, and had a nice chat.

It was bittersweet saying goodbyes to everyone, they were all great people, very nice, and really helpful. They would answer any questions I had with no problems, and were always willing to help me out if things got too crazy. Plus they gave me a good dose of asian culture:)

I'm not really sure what to do with myself now that I am not working. I cleaned our bathroom from top to bottom, took a bath (lol it was kinda wierd actually), and applied for EI yesterday. Today I went to the dentist for another round of shock therapy, and then took it easy and hung out with a friend for the afternoon. Then I went to another friends birthday party tonight. It was a good day, although I should work on applying for more jobs I guess.

Well I am off to bed, have a good night everyone!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Adventure in dentistry episode 3.

Last week on "Adventures in Dentistry"...

Last week our hero Mark was seen in the chair, having a nasty tasting mould placed in his mouth. The mould was filled with goop, which when placed on his lower teeth, increased the vertical propensity of our hero's fabulous chops! All in an effort to make his teeth touch, like they should."

Tommorrow, I am off to the dentist, and I will be getting my extra tall bottom teeth adjusted, as well as some more shock therapy! Should be fun...especially since it's at 7:30 in the morning!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


In 2 weeks I will be working at my last day at canon. That's right, I'm losing my job... And I have been for the last 4 months. We found out in November that our service center us being closed, and we will be out of jobs. It was shocking.

I kind of need a job asap, because I don't have very much in savings due to student loans. That or go on EI, If I qualify.

It's been quite a ride so far, but it has also definetly strengthened my faith. I have been learning how to trust God, and even though it's really hard and getting stressful, I know he will provide... Something. So well see what the next 2 weeks holds! Prays would be appreciated, or letters of reference!

Sunday, March 01, 2009


Anyone else feeling like life isn't working out how they thought it would?

Today is March 1st, and I will be officially unemployed in 30 days. Since high school, I have spent 4 years getting a good education from a good college, and then I moved to Calgary afterwards. Since moving, I have worked at a camera store for 1.5years, a barcode place for 6 months, and Canon for almost a year - each of which jobs really have nothing to do with my education (and neither does that sentence). Before Canon, both of my employers treated me like crap and didn't offer benefits or any support for employees at all, and were dead end (to me anyways)

Now I am finding myself with no job, no experience in the fields that I am educated in, and no education in the fields that I have experience in!!! I am getting very frustrated in my new job search, and I am getting stressed about it. I love my job at Canon, I loved working for the company who's product I use and invest in, and I love dealing with customers and solving the problems with their cameras. But soon it will be over...

I guess there is a good side though. As it's become a reality over the last few months, I have seen my faith and trust in God grow. I have become more disciplined in my devotions and bible reading, and I have been gaining a desire to know more about Christ. It's been a journey, but I think I am on the right track, and I'll have to just trust and wait to see what God has in store for me!